Think with Bullet Journals

What is a Bullet Journal

A Bullet Journal is a customizable organization system created by Ryder Carroll. It combines elements of a planner, diary, and to-do list, allowing you to track past events, plan for the future, and organize daily tasks in one place. The core of a Bullet Journal is quick documenting, which involves using bullet points to categorize different types of entries [hence… Bu(llet) Jo(urnal)]. These bullet points can represent tasks, events, notes, and more, each with its corresponding symbol for quick identification.

Since Bullet journals are such versatile tools for organization, productivity, and self-expression, people often consider their BuJo an extension of themselves. And as such, design their journals in the fanciest of ways. With flowers, artwork, interesting designs. Over time, the books leave behind a trail of a version of you that existed on the sunny summer day in 1995, and a version of you on a dark gloomy winter evening. None of these are good or bad. They just… are.

So why am I telling you this?

Like I mentioned, colour and floral designs, and even dried pressed flowers are a fantastic way to bring visual color to your bullet journal. Here are some images which I fondly adore where different people have made great art in their BuJo.

Inspiration for your Journal

Happy writing…